Elect Lady Crystal C. Pittman for National 2nd Vice President 2021-2023



Becoming a Top Teen under the leadership of Lady Crystal Pittman was the best decision and experience of my life. When I became a Top Teen I became a leader, confident in myself and I grew to love community service. Lady Crystal really took a lot of time with her Teens and was a great mentor to a lot of us. What I remember the most is during area conferences we would visit a HBCU and Lady Crystal would always encourage all of her Teens to take advantage of the college tour and she encouraged all of her Teens to go to college. Because of Lady Crystal I went to College and when I was a Teen I promised myself once I finished school I would become a Top Lady so I can maybe make a difference in a teens life like Lady Crystal made in my life.. as a Teen I experienced my first out of state trip, first plane ride and I developed life time friendships. I would forever be grateful for Lady Crystal. 

Yours truly,
Lady Bianca Neely Dukes
Former Top Teen


My journey with Top Ladies of Distinction, Incorporated began at an early age. Inspired by zealous women such as Lady Crystal Pittman, committed to helping others sparked my interest in becoming a member of Top Teens of America, Miami Chapter. Her relentless and willingness to serve our community, while effectively guiding the teens was remarkable. Lady Pittman is the epitome of the quote I standby, ‘If Serving is Beneath You, Leadership is Beyond You!” As a member of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc., I now have the honor to work alongside Lady Pittman, addressing the concerns of our communities in which we dutifully serve.

Lady Latoya Porter
Former Top Teen

Congratulations Lady Crystal Pittman on your candidacy for the position of National TTA Director. It was a pleasure being under your tenure as a former Top Teen of the Miami Chapter. Thank you for your leadership and guidance when you served as Area IV Director. It is because of your investment with Top Teens and giving me a chance to serve as Parliamentarian I am able to run meetings at college in the different organizations that I am in according to Robert Rule of Order. Also, thank you for sponsoring me and making sure I had everything I needed to travel to the Area IV Conferences as a Top Teen too. You

allowed me to bring out my creativity in dance and teach others during our Area IV Conferences. It was nice performing a duet with you during the 2019 Area IV Conference. You definitely have the children at heart. So, I say thank you again Lady Crystal Pittman and best wishes to you.

Love Always.

Teen Tyra Gilchrist
Former Top Teen


As a young person in my teens, I was very reluctant about joining a teen group organization.  Obviously, it was my mother’s idea and I agreed, to go along with it.  I did not know any of the other kids or Ladies in the organization. Lady Crystal Pittman was the first person I met, and she worked closely with our Top Teens youth group.  She encouraged me to become more involved and active in the youth group locally and at regional conferences.  All the while she was working on developing my leadership skills.  I held several officer positions in our local chapter, and she helped me campaign for a national youth officer position.  Although I did not win, the leadership skills and lessons learned during the process I have come to appreciate as life lessons.  As Top Teens we traveled and competed in tournaments annually.  Lady Crystal always advocated being prepared and striving to be the best. 

The valuable leadership and communication skills I learned under the guidance of Lady Crystal have served me well.  It was an expectation that every Top Teen excel scholastically.  Lady Crystal was an advocate of academic excellence and community service.  My years as a Top Teen helped me prepare myself for the challenged of college.  I am grateful for my years in Top Teen and Lady Crystal for the experiences, lessons learned and lasting friendships.

Stirling C. McMurray
Former Top Teen


If you would have told me in 2009 that I would contribute so much of my personal and professional success to Top Teens of America, I would have laughed at you. The truth is, Top Teens of America assisted my family with a way to create a path of success unique to my needs and interests. It is because of this that I know the leadership of Top Teens of America must be strong, passionate, and intentional. I consider it an honor and privilege to have worked with the “Greats” of TLOD: Lady Dean, Woldman, Lawton, Beard, Newton, Gillespie, Howard, Henry, and yes Lady Pittman.

Lady Pittman has been dedicated to the success of Teens since before my introduction to TTA. And has created relationships that last far behind their time as teens. Knowing she is running, while also volunteering and serving as an Area Representative for the Alumni Association shows she is fit for the job!

As a Lady, Lady Pittman has been a perfect role model of what it means to Work first and have fun later. She demonstrates this by executing meetings, conferences, and even Hosting Receptions at conferences. My first Conference as a Teen in 2010 was hosted by the Miami Chapter and I have looked up to her ever since. It is her hard work and dedication as a Lady, Former Teen, and Area Representative for the TTA Alumni Association that makes her successful at every task she seeks.

As a Former Teen, and Leader of the Alumni Association, I know that Lady Pittman is what TTA Needs to continue the work of Lady Kendra, while fortifying a path that will guarantee the teens personal, professional, and organizational success.

De'Sean Keys
TTA Alumni Association President
Former Top Teen


Dear members of Top Ladies of Distinction Incorporated,

It is with a sense of pride that I submit this letter of support for Lady Crystal C. Pittman, candidate for TLOD National Top Teens of America Director.

I have known Lady Crystal since she entered our organization as a dedicated Top Teens of America member. She is a legacy member who knows about all aspects of TLOD operations because she learned and led at the Local, Area and National levels.

Lady Crystal is the consummate professional who takes on every task with a high level of innovation, creativity, and excellence. She is a team player, collaborator and inclusionary leader who knows how to connect with Top Teens and Top Ladies in a spirit of cooperation to get the job done. Her work has consistently been on display as she led at the national, area, and local levels. Lady Crystal is known for her strong work ethic and for her solid love for Top Teens of America and she has shown through the years her ability to relate, pivot, motivate and elevate Top Teens to the next level.

At this critical moment when technology and experiences are being reshaped by rapidly changing developments in the world around our Top Teens, we need a leader who truly understands the organization from the bottom up. Lady Crystal is that leader for a time such as this as she continues to serve our noble organization.

TLOD needs leaders who have prepared, are prepared, and will remain prepared as we move forward into our bright future.  Lady Crystal C. Pittman has offered herself to serve, to work and to elevate both Top Teens of America and TLOD to the next level.

Your enthusiastic support of the candidacy of Lady Crystal C. Pittman is truly appreciated. I recommend her highly as our next National Top Teens of America Director!


Lady Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson
National Area IV Director - Elect


It is my pleasure to recommend Lady Crystal C. Pittman as the National Top Teens of America Director. Lady Crystal has had a HUGE impact on me during my time in Top Teens of America, and beyond. She pushed me to achieve and to reach goals in and out of Top Teens. Under her leadership I was placed in a lot of opportunities to grow. Programs such as the Vivian Coe Richard National Academy were presented as an opportunity to me by her. By having 1 on 1 phone calls, constant feedback on decisions in hosting multiple Area Conferences before and during them, and post-presidential term assistance, it helped me gain confidence, strength in leadership, and development as a woman.

To date, I have graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a degree in Public Management. I am now employed as a Rooms Operations Manager with Marriott Hotels. With the tools she provided, and lessons learned, I was able to reach these goals.  Having her as a mentor during my TTA Area IV presidency in 2017-2019, was such a blessing. 



Demetria Hudson
Former Top Teen

Greetings Top Ladies of Distinction and Top Teens of America,

I Am Kaitlyn Gaines a Second Year Psychology Scholar at Florida A&M University. I am a Former Top Teen of the Miami Chapter. Through my years of Top Teens of America, I’ve learned how to conduct myself in business meetings and work environments. My advisors helped me gain the courage and the confidence to run for a regional position on my second year of joining this amazing organization, and I was eternally grateful that my fellow teens helped grant me the position. While serving as Area 4 Assistant Recording Secretary they’ve taught me how to conduct a meeting using the Robert Rules of order, how to correctly type and record notes, and how to communicate effectively with my peers. Later, during the local elections I decided to continue my leadership roles and became the Local Chapter's 2nd Vice President. But there is 1 advisor particularly who I can give the outmost thanks too, Lady Crystal C. Pitman. Lady Crystal helped prepare me for the campaign and helped me write my speech during my nomination. She helped me learn how to conduct myself during the elections and to remain favorable in the public's eye. She made Top Teens of America not only for teaching me how to conduct business. Under her mentorship she allowed me to become a member of her family. She has helped take care of me by giving me words or encouragement, hands on support, and constant wisdom. I maintained the relationships and even in college she has still checked on me and made sure to make sure I'm thriving on the highest of seven hills. Through her I was granted a sister and 2 brothers through silver and blue. Lady Crystal always made it her business to make sure every teen was available to be at every event or conference even if he had to get them there herself. Which is what I enjoyed the most about the Top Teens experience. Being gifted with the exposure of meeting teens across the nation, sharing cultural experiences with other states while bettering our community and being aware of social issues was something she passed down to us. Now we move forward into life with the same values and teachings she has bestowed upon us forever remembering the greatest lessons of all; "Participation is our Foundation, as Leaders of Tomorrow."

Kaitlyn Gaines
Former Top Teen